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Vendor: Edea

Edea – Cool Towel


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Edea Cool Towel

Whether in the gym or during a hot roller workout, one of the problems is staying fresh. Edea introduces its “cool towel” designed as the name suggests, to keep you cool!

The towel is made with super absorbent polyester that also has a luxurious soft feel. The real magic however is a pre soaked towel stays cooler.

In tests, it was an average of 8° lower than the ambience temperature, meaning when you wipe your face, you can feel the freshness.

Simply soak the towel, wring out the excess water, “snap” the towel 3 to 5 times and be ready to feel fresh!

Composition: 55% Polyester, 45% Cotton

Sizes: 30 cm x 100 cm

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