Sk8house's Halloween-Themed Spooky Skate Recap: Tricks, Treats, and Tons of Fun
The Halloween Spooky Skate at Sk8house on Saturday night was a huge success!! Thanks to everyone who came along and made the most of the spookiest, most thrilling night of the year! As you can see from the gallery of photos the costumes were amazing and the effort everyone went to was absolutely next level!
Note: Photos courtesy of Bernadine Geary - available for purchase. See full album here.
We'd also like to give a special HAPPY BIRTHDAY shout out to Gabby (pictured below in the witch costume). Thanks so much for choosing to celebrate your special day with us at the Spooky Skate event.
If you missed out on Saturday night's spooky celebrations - we have GREAT NEWS FOR YOU! We will be leaving our fabulous decorations up all week to the end of cup weekend (Tuesday 7th November) so you can come down for a skate amongst the spookiest, scariest set-up you've ever seen.